Which Domain is Better Between .com or .in

Which Domain is Better Between .com or .in

“Quick Overview” The debate surrounding these two extensions has persisted for years. They hold the distinction of being the oldest and most popular, stirring discussions among internet users worldwide.

Undoubtedly, .com stands out as the predominant suffix typed by the majority of internet users. However, .in has been making significant strides. Over the past decade, the .in extension has garnered immense popularity among Indian web owners and internet users alike. The year 2021 witnessed a milestone with 3.5 million .in domain registrations, a number expected to surge in the years ahead.

Choosing between these two extensions can be daunting given their respective advantages. However, this post aims to delve into the merits of each, the SEO implications of .com versus .in domains, and guide you in selecting the most suitable one for your business.

What is .COM Domain Extension?

.com stands as one of the earliest and most widely recognized generic top-level domains (gTLDs) on the internet.

Symbolics, Inc. pioneered the registration of the .com TLD in 1985. Initially overseen by the United States Department of Defense, management later transitioned to Verisign, a global provider of domain name registry services.

Originally designated for commercial entities, .com has evolved to encompass a wide array of website types over time. Despite the rise and fall of numerous other extensions, the .com domain remains a cornerstone preference for internet users and website proprietors alike.

It’s common to encounter many renowned websites utilizing the .com extension: 

Why Choose .COM?

No Restrictions

Regardless of your business type, location, or size, the .com domain extension is open to all web owners looking to register their sites. However, there are several factors to consider when selecting a .com domain.

Firstly, it’s crucial to adhere to the rules set by ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names And Numbers). These rules encompass the character limit, character usage, and other considerations related to your domain name.

The popularity and widespread recognition of the .com domain extension mean that there’s high demand and limited availability. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a unique name to avoid potential conflicts with existing websites sharing the same domain name. This ensures that you won’t encounter issues or be forced to explore alternative domain extensions.

World Wide Access

Every website owner aspires to expand their business without being limited by geographical boundaries. Although this is a long-term objective, it’s wise to prepare for it in advance. That’s why we recommend securing a .com domain name.

Unlike other country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), a .com domain is accessible to users worldwide. For example, if you opt for a local domain such as .us, .ca, or .au, your business will be confined to those specific regions. However, by obtaining a .com domain, you can reach a broader audience and grow your business regardless of its location.

A Default Extension

Previously, we highlighted the widespread preference for the .com extension among internet users, almost instinctively chosen when accessing a website. This inclination has become a standard practice, ingrained in the browsing habits of users. Therefore, if you aim to enhance visibility and establish authority within your industry, opting for a .com domain is advisable.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to recognize that .com isn’t the exclusive choice for website owners and users alike. Many consider alternatives such as .org, .net, .co, .io, and various other generic top-level domains (gTLDs) based on their specific needs and circumstances. The selection of a domain extension is influenced by factors like business type, target audience, and availability.

Beyond these considerations, the chosen domain extension should align with the purpose of your website. For example, if you operate an NGO (Non-governmental Organization) site and opt for a .co extension, it might cause confusion among your audience. In such cases, .org is widely recognized and preferred for NGO websites, offering clarity and relevance.

Having discussed the significance of the .com domain extension, let’s now delve into an explanation of the .in domain extension.

What is .IN Domain Extension?

“.in” domain extension is a ccTLD (Country Code Top-level Domain) that was introduced in 1989.

The “.in” stands for India, as this domain suffix is primarily intended for businesses and organizations aiming to target the Indian audience.

However, it’s not limited to just businesses or organizations; it is also suitable for academies, educational institutions, NGOs, government agencies, and various other entities. Essentially, “.in” assists in establishing an online presence within the Indian market.

Over the years, it has emerged as a preferred choice for website owners due to its geo-targeting capabilities. Additionally, it can be complemented by second-level domain extensions such as “.co.in,” “.org.in,” “.net.in,” among others, which further specify the focus of a website.

Why Choose .IN?

Brand Empowerment In India

Expanding and empowering your business in India becomes more accessible when you utilize the .in domain extension. Firstly, it signals that your business operates within India, bolstering your brand’s local identity.

The .in domain extension demonstrates your dedication to serving the Indian market and audience. Moreover, it signifies your familiarity with Indian customs, languages, and preferences.

Unlike the widely used .com extension, acquiring a .in domain is comparatively simpler due to its higher availability for registration. 

Easy Recognition 

Unlike many other domain extensions, the .in suffix stands out for its simplicity in typing and recall. Crucially, it is linked to the native country of the intended web audience, enhancing its relatability and memorability.

In addition to its association and ease, .in serves as an excellent alternative to the ubiquitous .com suffix. It offers uniqueness, relevance, and ease of discovery, presenting your business in the most favorable light. 

Dominant In Local Search

Even though domain extensions don’t directly affect SEO, .in extension can indirectly contribute to your online growth. Search engines tend to prioritize .in domain extension when displaying results to Indian audiences and markets. ThiOpting for a .in domain extension can enhance your online visibility significantly.

By choosing a .in domain extension, you signal to Google that your business caters to the Indian audience, thus increasing relevance to user search queries.

Moreover, the .in extension reduces competition. With many website owners favoring .com domains, registering with .in gives your website a unique and relevant edge.

Furthermore, competition decreases notably as target keywords align more closely with the search intent of the Indian audience. Conversely, targeting keywords for a .com extension proves challenging due to the broader audience scope.

If your business targets the Indian audience, prioritizing the .in extension is crucial. This choice can amplify both offline and online visibility. Including relevant keywords on your site ensures that users find meaningful responses to their search queries, thereby boosting traffic and online visibility.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Domain Extension

Target Audience & Location

The most important aspect to consider when selecting a domain extension is your target audience and location. Your domain reflects the relevance of your business or brand. For instance, if you’re running an NGO site, opting for a .org domain extension reinforces relevance to your audience. This helps users connect with the purpose of your site based on its extension.

Country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) are also beneficial for local SEO. Search engines prioritize websites with country-specific suffixes like .in, making them more visible to audiences in that country. Choosing .in signals to search engines that your business targets the Indian audience and market, boosting your site’s visibility to potential visitors.


Many individuals tend to prioritize registering their website under the .com domain due to its widespread recognition among internet users. However, we strongly advise selecting an extension that resonates with your specific niche or industry. This approach demonstrates a clear alignment between your brand and your website.

For example, if you operate an online shoe store catering to the Indian market, opting for a domain like www.shoes.co.in would be more appropriate. Conversely, choosing a domain such as www.shoes.org would not only seem disconnected from your brand’s purpose but could also cause confusion among users. Selecting an irrelevant domain extension can project an unprofessional image, potentially leading to site abandonment and customer loss.

Branding & Marketing

Branding and marketing ultimately converge on a single focal point: What is your goal? If your aim is to uphold your identity as an Indian brand for the foreseeable future, .in would be the optimal choice. However, if your ambition involves expanding your business on an international scale, opting for .com would be more suitable.

When targeting various cities or countries, selecting different country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) based on the specific target zones would be advantageous for your business. Overall, it’s essential to consider your marketing and branding objectives when deciding on a domain extension.

What If Your Plans Are Going Global?

The point has been reiterated numerous times, and it warrants repeating: if you aim to establish a strong presence in the global market, opting for a .com domain is advisable. This suffix is universally accessible to internet users regardless of their location. Moreover, it is open for registration to any brand or business across all industries.

From eCommerce to educational institutions, healthcare, and lifestyle ventures, there are no restrictions on the type of business that can utilize a .com domain.

Furthermore, .com is the most easily recalled extension by web users. When individuals seek out a website, their instinct is often to append .com to the URL. This behavior may stem from habit or the assumption that the desired site is commercially oriented.

Additionally, some users rely on auto-complete features to expedite their searches, presuming that the suggested .com website matches their intended destination. Therefore, having a .com extension increases the likelihood of your site ranking higher in search results.

Alternatively, another approach to global expansion involves tailoring your website to specific countries. By acquiring country-specific domain extensions such as .in, .ca, .uk, and .us, you can cater to audiences in particular regions.

Consider Amazon as an illustration of this strategy. The eCommerce giant has registered domain variants like https://www.amazon.ca and https://www.amazon.in to effectively reach a broader audience and establish itself as a global marketplace.

Does SEO Favors .COM Extension?

The concise response is NO!

SEO does not show preference towards the .com extension. Additionally, SEO does not exhibit bias towards any other gTLDs or New TLDs. In a certain sense, having a .com domain may indeed bolster the credibility of your website with your target audience, as they tend to recognize and trust this extension.

However, search engines primarily prioritize the quality of SEO practices implemented on your website. This encompasses factors such as content quality, website optimization, off-page SEO, technical SEO, backlinks, internal and external linking, among others.

So, do Domain Extensions Affect SEO?

Google has confirmed that TLDs do not influence SEO or provide ranking advantages. Nevertheless, selecting the appropriate extension can aid Google in understanding the specific purpose of your website and business. For instance, if you operate a pizza restaurant, opting for a catchy and relevant extension like pizza could be beneficial. Naturally, .com remains a viable choice if it’s available.

Google further clarifies that ccTLDs and New TLDs will be treated on par with other gTLDs such as .net, .org, and so forth.

Even in the event of switching from one domain to another, Google will crawl and index the domain in the same manner it does with others. However, frequent domain switching is not recommended, as improving rankings is a time-consuming process.

Does .IN Domain Extension Impact Your Online Growth?

The .in domain signals to Google that your website caters specifically to Indian customers, thus influencing its ranking positively. This domain extension serves to enhance your website’s visibility primarily among an Indian audience.

For instance, consider owning a chain of restaurants in India. To bolster your online presence, you decide to establish a website and opt for the domain www.authenticindiankitchen.in.

With the .in extension, Google recognizes the geographical relevance and directs relevant searches to your site, thereby amplifying both traffic and conversions. Such geo-targeted domains play a pivotal role in expanding your online business reach.

It’s crucial to bear in mind that while domain selection impacts visibility, sustained growth hinges on factors like content quality, user experience, effective marketing strategies, and adherence to sound SEO principles.

.COM VS .IN: Choose Wisely

Regardless of whether you choose a .in or .com domain, we highly recommend considering all factors that contribute to your online presence. While domain extensions themselves do not directly impact SEO, they do influence your target audience, which is crucial for success.

It’s essential to thoroughly investigate the history of any purchased domain. Previously owned domains may have a history of Black Hat SEO tactics aimed at manipulating search engine rankings. This could involve spam links, keyword stuffing, plagiarized content, or even being blacklisted from search engine results altogether.

To avoid potential headaches down the line, be sure to thoroughly research the history of your domain and take necessary precautions if any red flags arise.

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